Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Jokes For All Occasions by Edward J.Clode

From Preface:

The ways of telling a story are as many as the tellers themselves. It is impossible to lay down precise rules by which any one may perfect himself in the art, but it is possible to offer suggestions by which to guide practise in narration toward a gratifying success.

From Introduction:

The French are admirable in both wit and humor, and the humor is usually kindly, though the shafts of wit are often barbed. I remember a humorous picture of a big man shaking a huge trombone in the face of a tiny canary in its cage, while he roars in anger: "That's it! Just as I was about, with the velvety tones of my instrument, to imitate the twittering of little birds in the forest, you have to interrupt with your infernal din!" The caustic quality of French wit is illustrated plenteously by Voltaire. There is food for meditation in his utterance: "Nothing is so disagreeable as to be obscurely hanged." He it was, too, who sneered at England for having sixty religions and only one gravy. To an adversary in argument who quoted the minor prophet Habakkuk, he retorted contemptuously: "A person with a name like that is capable of saying anything."

Product Details:

Printed: 233 pages, 6.14" x 9.21", perfect binding, white interior paper (55# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (90# weight), full-color exterior ink
Publisher: Open Mind
Copyright: © 2007 Open Mind http://open-books.blogspot.com Standard Copyright License
Language: English
Edition: First
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Our price (Paperback) $14.94
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